Thank you for the day we had in November, I thoroughly enjoyed it and opened up my eyes to a new world of how colour and style can impact a person.

I Dobay

Thank you so much for the colour consultation, it was really helpful with lots of great tips, and has given me the confidence to buy and wear clothes that actually suit me.

Z GiszBreheny Gisz Architects

Thanks once again for the consultation. I learnt so much about myself, especially physically . I can’t wait to do my wardrobe audit!


Thank you so much for our fantastic time spent with you. We both had so much fun, and I learnt so much more than I thought I would. I have to say, that when I came home I went through my wardrobe and got rid of most of it because there was so much black in it and so many wrong length skirts (which is probably why I hadn’t worn a skirt for over a year).

Thanks too for coming shopping with us, it was great to have you there. Now I get really annoyed when shop assistant say something fits well when clearly it doesn’t, or they say “this pant is really flattering for big hips”…and it has huge pockets on the side with horizontal stripes!! He he…now I am on to them.!!

I have honestly got to say, that the investment I made in coming to see you has already paid off. My husband was not only pleased that some of it was tax deductible, but he is commenting every day on how good I look and I feel so much more confident in myself and also when I am shopping.

D PherousLittle Tommy Tucker

After having my colours determined by Imogen, I found myself looking at clothes shopping in a completely new light. Now I take my swatches everywhere with me – just in case, they prove very useful, and save me a fortune.

The first time I went on a Personal Shopping trip with Imogen after my colours had been determined, I tried a green top on. To my amazement, the two shop assistants were so impressed at how well it suited me, they started pulling clothes off racks and asking Imogen which colours suited them.

Kate MilbourneHealth Policy & Planning, ACT Health

I know I made a wise investment in myself when I spent a day with Imogen Lamport of Bespoke Image. Not only am I now more confident when putting together my outfits, but I’m also saving a fortune by sticking to my best colours & styles. Having ongoing support and advice from Bespoke will just keep making this easier!

C OmylaMarketing & Promotions