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De-clutter Your Wardrobe

Bespoke Image’s wardrobe audit will make sure that all the clothes you own work for you, not against, and don’t take up valuable space. Once we’ve looked at all the clothes you own, we’ll also create a list of clothes that you need to buy to make your wardrobe work again, plus create systems to keep your wardrobe organised.

Fashion is made to become unfashionable.

– Coco Chanel

Think about this quote when looking through your wardrobe, how many items are still in there years after the fashion has passed?  Contact Bespoke Image and arrange your Wardrobe Audit today

What’s in your wardrobe? Crammed full but you still have nothing to wear? Have you considered how much all those clothes have cost you that are now taking up space without earning their keep?

Do you know how to create outfits with what you already have?  We’ll go shopping in your closet so that you don’t  waste money buying clothes that you already have or don’t need.

Wardrobe Audits with Bespoke Image


The investment for our Wardrobe Edit is $490 for up to 3 hours, it will provide you with immeasurable savings in time and space, and ensure that the money you do spend on new items are the ones that will give you the most value.

Why not check out our Special Offers and combine a Wardrobe Edit with another service?

Make Your Appointment Today!

Contact us via phone during business hours, or send us a message anytime.

0413 416 954

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