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The Most Advanced Colour System for Personal Colour Analysis

Discover your most flattering colour palette with our personal colour analysis consultation. The colours that make you look most alive and bring out your inner glow have a harmony of qualities, and if you follow your swatch, you’ll be able to mix and match your entire wardrobe easily and without fuss.

We’ll also teach you how to use existing pieces in your wardrobe that aren’t your colours, but still allow you to get wear from them without compromising your look.

Many of our clients have previously had a colour analysis using a different system, but find that the colours don’t really work for them. When they have a colour analysis with Bespoke Image they feel that finally, they’ve found the right colours to wear. This system includes colour groups that don’t exist in other systems.

Your colouring changes as you age, if you’ve had a colour analysis 10+ years ago, it’s probably time to have a new one.

Why is Colour So Important?

Wearing the best colours for you will make you look healthier, happier, vibrant and help you project a really positive image. Remember the last time someone commented on how well you looked? What were you wearing? You’ll probably find out that it was one of your best colours – book your colour analysis today so that those compliments keep on flowing.

Just think about all the clothes you’ve bought over the years that either are worn once (not including your wedding attire) or never worn, and take up valuable wardrobe space – why is it that you don’t wear the item? Maybe it’s because the colour doesn’t suit you, and doesn’t make you feel good. A colour analysis is an investment in your future wardrobe, and an investment in you – if you look good, you’ll feel good, and will project a positive image that others will pick up on and reflect back to you.

You don’t get to wear makeup, and many men don’t colour their hair, so a colour analysis can really help you look your best. Wearing the colours that suit you will make you look more in control, vibrant and more youthful. You’ll save money as we’ll teach you how to mix and match colours so you get great value from your clothing, and make it easy to shop as you’ll have your handy swatch so you won’t make mistakes buying the wrong colours. Your swatch is a great tool to help cut through the vast clothing choices and head in the right direction.


Individual Colour Analysis takes 1.5 hours and the investment is $450 – this includes your personalised colour swatch and colour guide to use when shopping.

What We Cover in a Colour Analysis

  • You will be draped to determine your best colour direction
  • Shown your best neutral colours which are the basis of your wardrobe.
  • Given a swatch of 50 of your very best colours to take shopping and taught how to use them
  • Hair colouring advice
  • Tie and shirt combinations
  • You will be provided with comprehensive notes on your colours and how to wear them to best effect.
  • Notes include best metals, glasses colours, investment pieces, contrast, combining colours, psychology of colour and hair colouring.


Contact us via phone during business hours, or send us a message anytime.

0413 416 954