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The Most Advanced Colour System for Personal Colour Analysis

Discover your most flattering colour palette with our personal colour analysis consultation. The colours that make you look most alive and bring out your inner glow have a harmony of qualities, and if you follow your swatch, you’ll be able to mix and match your entire wardrobe easily and without fuss.

We’ll also teach you how to use existing pieces in your wardrobe that aren’t your colours, but still allow you to get wear from them without compromising your look.

Many of our clients have previously had a colour analysis using a different system, but find that the colours don’t really work for them. When they have a colour analysis with Bespoke Image they feel that finally, they’ve found the right colours to wear. This system includes colour groups that don’t exist in other systems.

Your colouring changes as you age, if you’ve had a colour analysis 10+ years ago, it’s probably time to have a new one.

What do you get?

  • Have your colours ‘done’
  • A Colour Swatch of 50 colours (includes global postage)
  • How to use your Colour Swatch to find the 50 000 colours that make you look amazing
  • A printed Colour Guide booklet to using your colour swatch
  • Your Colour Contrast
  • Your Value Contrast
  • Your Ideal Value
  • Advice on hair colour selection
  • Advice on using your colour swatch to select everything you wear, from glasses and shoes and other accessories to combining colours in your clothes and choosing patterns.
  • Walk through of your Colour Guide and using Your Colour palette 1 hour webinar
  • Signature Colours selected by Imogen
  • 20 Minute live video Q&A with Imogen
Wardrobe Audits with Bespoke Image

How Does it Work?

Having years of experience with personal colour analysis, I’ve developed a multi-step process that allows for the greatest accuracy.

Step 1

You will be sent very specific instructions on how to take your first set of photos.  Take your time with this step – the better you photos the more accurate your analysis will be!

Step 2

Once I’ve analysed this first set of photos for your dominant colour characteristics, you will be sent some coloured cards in the mail to photograph next to your face and email them to me.

This allows me to select your ideal colour palette.  Once I’ve done this, I select your signature (or WOW colours), note your value and colour contrast and ideal value in your Colour Guide and mail you your full colour swatch to take shopping with you – this is not a digital swatch, as your printer and screen may vary from mine.  This is the best tool to help you select the right colours for you.

Step 3

Once you have this, along with an accompanying Colour Guide for your colour palette, you will go through this guide step-by-step with me in a pre-recorded webinar.

You can then organise a 20 minutes video conference call with me to answer any other specific questions you may have regarding your colours!

“I’m so happy with my colour palette and all the information! It’s been so helpful already!”



The Online Personal Colour Analysis costs $300AUD (in Australia & New Zealand) or $300USD (rest of the world).

Online Personal Colour Analysis

(Australia & New Zealand)

Online Personal Colour Analysis



Contact us via phone during business hours, or send us a message anytime.

0413 416 954

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Why not purchase an Online or In Person Colour Analysis Gift Voucher! Click here for more details.