You’ll be pleased to know I’ve had my first shopping ventures since our session and it has been very successful. Finally, I feel confident and capable in what to try on… far I’ve made a couple of purchases and everything goes with everything else! It’s amazing.

Fiona StewartDirector & Principal Consultant Neolife Group Pty Ltd

I never realised there was such a science to dressing and how important choices are – everything from jewellery to the shape of your shoe – it was fascinating to learn. I realised that I’ve constantly relied on black suits or dark colours as a safe choice when these colours were working against me. The consultation has opened up a new realm of possibilities for me and I now shop with greater confidence. I have been amazed by the number of comments that I’ve received along the lines of ‘how well I’m looking’, now that I’ve moved away from old habits. A consultation with Bespoke Image is an investment in yourself and has the potential to change your life. I highly recommend it.


My consultation with Bespoke Image has opened up a whole new world for me. It’s amazing how the small details make such a big difference. I work in fashion, and always need to look fashionable, but the last thing I want is to look like a “Fashion Victim” !

Have you ever known something you wore was “not quite right” but couldn’t put your finger on the reason why? Imogen Lamport gave me so much to think about and made me realise that I was always on the right track but a few small changes will ensure that I always look stylish and up to the minute because I will always be wearing colours and styles that work for my lifestyle, my personality and my body shape.

I feel confident now that I wont be wasting money on things that don’t suit me and end up sitting in the wardrobe untouched.


You invite someone – attractive, intelligent and personable – to your home to look through your wardrobe.

She looks at the packed accumulation of garments, and with her professional diplomacy, and many hearty laughs together, we agree to discard sentimental, outdated, and even some unsuitable recent purchases.

To my surprise, some definite ‘outs’ she even encourages me to keep, after suggesting a few alterations.

Two hours later the floor is covered with clothes for “Vinnies”, and my robe is sporting a few ( perhaps I exaggerate ) – maybe half-a-dozen- hangers with clothes on them. And I am totally exhausted and overwhelmed from doing very little at all.

Then comes the best bit – shopping with my own “personal shopper” for a few hours. No running out of the change room for other sizes or styles. Colours are recommended, and garments co-ordinated. All I, the “clothes –hating- shopper”, have to do is try things on.

But wait – there is still a better bit – handbags and shoes! Never believed decision making could be so easy and quick.

That was Summer.

When Winter arrived, I had very few warm clothes to wear, so another shop was arranged, this one a little more extensive.

Now I have a wardrobe of clothes (about 25% of what I used to own) that I feel comfortable wearing, and can coordinate in so many ways. I even have choices, and no un-wearable outfits.

And not only clothes! Recently, I was prescribed glasses, which meant sunnies too, and yes, my personal shopper was there to advise.

Now, do you think this a fairy story?

If you do, think again, because it means you have not met Imogen Lamport. From the point of view of a now, non-working Grandmother, I can thoroughly recommend her services.


I never realised there was such a science to dressing and how important choices are – everything from jewellery to the shape of your shoe – it was fascinating to learn. I realised that I’ve constantly relied on black suits or dark colours as a safe choice when these colours were working against me. The consultation has opened up a new realm of possibilities for me and I now shop with greater confidence. I have been amazed by the number of comments that I’ve received along the lines of ‘how well I’m looking’, now that I’ve moved away from old habits. A consultation with Bespoke Image is an investment in yourself and has the potential to change your life. I highly recommend it.

E.HardyBrand Manager, Metlink