One potential danger zone and image wrecker is looking dated. Old fashioned clothes = old fashioned ideas – so if you work (or would like to work) in an industry that prides itself in being up with the times, or even ahead of the pack, then you must be careful that your image is not saying “I’m living in the 70s (80s or 90s)” as your credibility is at stake.
Some of the key elements that you need to consider are:
- Lapel width
- Trouser shape and width
- Pocket styles
- Buttons and buttoning styles
- Jacket length and shape
- Haircut
- Fabric prints and patterns
Ask yourself (and be truthful):
- Do I have and wear any jackets/suits that are more than 5 years old (so anything made before 2000)?
- How many years have I had this hairstyle? Is it more than 3-5 years?
- Is it more than 3 years since I last updated my glasses frames?
- Am I still wearing a brass buttoned blazer?
- Am I still wearing the same trousers I wore last millennium?
- Women: Is my hair greying but I’ve avoided colouring it?
- Men: Am I balding but keep my hair longer to cover this up rather than keeping it ultra short?
- Women: When was the last time I learned new makeup techniques and tried new colours?
- Men: I wear a beard/moustache and it’s been the same style for years
- Is the majority of my wardrobe 3-5 years old?
- Do I keep wearing the same old clothes and avoid all fashion trends?
- How old are my shoes? Do they look worn and tired?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions then you’re in jeopardy of looking dated and you are probably damaging your positive image impact. Consider the key elements mentioned above and look seriously at yourself and your wardrobe, what needs to be updated? We all too often get so used to seeing ourselves the same way and we don’t notice that time has passed us by. Don’t keep wearing out-of-date clothing just because it cost you a fortune when you bought it. What used to look great on us may not anymore, especially as fashions change, and our bodies and colouring changes as we age. If you’re unsure of the best way of updating your look, consider an image consultation, it’s an investment in your future.
© Imogen Lamport 2010
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