What Not to Wear to Work

Many companies have a dress code – either written or unwritten, and many have a policy that if you’re dressed below the standard of that dress-code you’ll be sent home to change into something more appropriate – but how often does that happen? I’ve never seen it happened, but what does happen, is that the…

First Impressions

Why First Impressions Really Count We’re programmed by evolution to judge people on their appearance. It’s a survival mechanism. You will be judged by your appearance, whether you like it or not. After all, you judge people by their appearance, don’t you? When you get on a train, tram or bus and it’s pretty full,…

Coats of Style

It’s winter time, and as I walk around outside I’m noticing that coats can make a huge difference to how you look. As they’re often quite expensive, the sales are a good time to try and pick up a new coat that will last you a few years, and not break the bank, but will…