Natural disasters seem to become more common, with two recent earthquakes in Christchurch New Zealand, parts of Australia are regularly destroyed by bush fires and one of my friends houses was recently flooded and 80% of her possessions destroyed.
What has this got to do with clothes you ask? Well even if you don’t live in a natural disaster prone area it’s worth thinking about this… what would you take if you only had a few minutes to grab your emergency clothes before having to evacuate?
Some Things to Ask Yourself:
- Would you be able to grab your favourite garments quickly because your wardrobe is well ordered and you can lay your hands on them easily?
- Would you find it difficult because you’re swamped by too much choice because you have too many clothes?
- Would it be difficult because your clothes are all orphans and don’t work together and no matter what you grabbed it would be hard to put outfits together?
- Would you want to leave it all behind as you’re really not happy with any of your wardrobe?
- What would you take? Would it be an easy or a hard decision?
Imagine what it would feel like having to wear someone else’s clothes if you couldn’t take your own?
Even if you never have to grab and run, consider your wardrobe – do you have the clothes to support your lifestyle? The clothes that are appropriate for the range of situations you regularly find yourself confronting? If you don’t, which situations do you find most difficult
The new year is a great time of reassessment (well anytime is great to reassess aspects of our lives, but we frequently focus on it during the New Year period). It’s worth looking at your wardrobe with a critical eye, removing all the clothes that you never wear and then assessing what you have and whether or not they’re still working for you. If your favourite garments are looking tired and old, it’s time you refreshed them and found replacements so that you look modern, in-charge and in control.
If you had to get someone else to go shopping for you who would you recommend as a style you’d wear to give them an idea of the kind of image you’d like to portray?
Thinking about this question can help you find your personal style, so that you’re not forced to wear someone elses clothes (which can feel all wrong).
Sales people have often said to me that people come into the stores and try on garments but will then say “it’s not me” but can’t actually figure out what is “me”.
Fortunately, I can help you find out which garments suit your personality and make you feel like the best version of yourself. The clothes that make you look and feel fabulous – so if you find it all too hard to figure out – feel free to give me a call!
Of course you’d take all the family first!