Wouldn’t You Love to Know How To Dress To Look Taller?
Are you tired of being overlooked because of your small size?
Do your clothes seem to wear you instead of you wearing them?
If you’re sick of feeling overwhelmed by your clothes and you’re interested in learning how to dress in a way that will flatter your body then I have the solution for you.
I have written an amazing eBook called, Never Short on Style: dressing and finessing the petite frame. It covers nearly everything you need to know about dressing to suit your special stature.
It will tell you:
- how to enhance your appearance and use illusion to fool the eye
- why you don’t have to wear heels to look taller
- how to look taller in style.
Imagine being able to instinctively choose the right clothing and accessories for you.
What if you could work out the most flattering hemlines for your shape without having to try on everything in the store? Just think how much time and stress you’d save.
Imagine being able to choose accessories that flatter and not dominate.
That’s what my amazing e-book will help you to do.
Don’t think that my book is just like any other. It isn’t.
My book is based on my real life experience. I have spent hundreds of hours teaching petite women to look fabulously stylish through careful wardrobe choices. I KNOW what I am talking about and the evidence is out there in the streets right now, walking around and looking stunning. That is my handiwork. I have proven myself as the expert in my field.
This book has captured all the training and tricks that I have passed on to those stunning petite women who have sought my help.
Here’s a sneak peak at what you’ll discover in Never Short on Style:
- How to boost your confidence knowing that you stand out as well as the tallest person in the room
- Simple ways to choose accessories to suit you
- The secret to selecting jackets that flatter
- Easy steps to choosing the perfect garment
- What to look for in a garment before you decide to buy
- How to become super stylish without stress
Have you been looking for this kind of practical help for ages?
Of course, there is plenty more in my book Never Short on Style
What is this book really worth?
A personal style consultation is usually valued at $380 but that is not always an option, is it? Never Short on Style is your personal consultation in an eBook
How much money have you wasted on clothes and accessories that you never wear because they don’t look right? Hundreds?
And then there are those shoes! How much did you spend on them before you realised that no shoe could ever make you really look tall?
My eBook will save you a fortune in unused garments and free up wardrobe space for clothing that will really suit your style. How can you put a price on that?
That’s why this eBook is such great value at only $23AUD.
If you are still not sure, I will make it easy for you and give you a money back guarantee.
If you don’t find out
- How to choose accessories, from glasses to shoes, hats to handbags
- How to flatter your body shape
- How to enhance your shape and use tricks of illusion to trick the eye
so that you develop a personal style that suits you I will give you your money back.
That is only fair.
Just in case you need some more convincing about the value that this eBook brings you, why not read what others have had to say about it.
I’ve purchased many, many style books over the years, but very few specifically addressed those of use who are Vertically Challenged™, beyond mentioning that a) we may need to shorten sleeves and pant legs, and b) that we should stay away from large prints. But in my own experience, finding styles that flatter a shorter frame is far more complicated that just saying no to oversized florals and lopping a few inches off a hem. Not all petite women are shaped the same or have the same proportions. What applies to dressing for shape on a taller person also applies to us, but with some additional caveats.
That’s why when I learned image consultant Imogen Lamport (of Bespoke Image and the blog Inside Out Style) had written a style book specifically for Petites, I was thrilled. Having been fortunate enough to work with Imogen in person, I know first hand that she really knows this stuff Inside Out and in amazing detail. When I received the book, I was even more delighted; I’ve never seen a style guide this comprehensive!
For those who are looking for nuts-and-bolts style advice for Petites, this is the guide for you. From the broadest concepts such as which styles will flatter your body shape, body proportions (which I learned during our workshop are just as important as body shape for selecting clothing styles) and coloring down to details such as which jewelry or sunglasses will best suit your features, Imogen leaves no style stone unturned. The book is illustrated throughtout with images that clearly demonstrate the concepts Imogen describes.
I’m quite certain that “Never Short on Style” is by far the most comprehensive style guide for petites ever written! Any petite who takes this information to heart can expect to look fantastic and save money by avoiding costly mistakes. Now I can see clearly why certain items in my closet, even those designed for petites, have not been quite right for me. Thanks a million Imogen!
– Krys A
Never Short on Style ebook identifies the different horizontal body shapes, vertical body shapes and body variations. For each of the different body shapes Imogen gives excellent examples and pictures of which styles look best and why, with specific advice for styling clothes for petite women.
What I really like about this ebook are the outfit illustrations and the descriptions and illustrations of using line and design to create the illusion of the perfect figure. Imogen makes the sometimes complex line and design theory easy to use in practice by showing you exactly how to apply each technique she talks about. This includes creating the illlusion of height, how to highlight your best points and how to minimize any figure flaws.
Jane Liddelow – Style Makeover HQ
See? I told you that the evidence was out there in the world looking fabulous!
For $23AUD, you can change your life. Why wait any longer for the life and style you want?