People often ask me about colours that suit them. They will also comment on how people always comment on particular coloured clothes they have in their wardrobe.
I was reminded of this when recently I saw photos of a friend of mine on Facebook who was wearing the most divine cobalt blue dress (a colour like the one Kate Winslet is wearing in the picture above on the left), yet what I noticed in the photos was that the dress was the star, and she just disappeared as the blue was completely unrelated to her colouring and drew all the attention away from her face. Notice how in the picture of Kate above the blue on the left is the first thing that grabs your attention, but the blue on the right, which does suit Kate is in balance with her colouring so her face is the focus.
Now the style of this dress worked well for my friend’s body shape and she has a fabulous figure which makes for a great clothes horse, but for many of us, who don’t have that figure, we are more interested in our face being the focus rather than our body.
As I always say, “if you’re looking in my eyes, you’re not noticing my thighs”.
This is why so many of my clients will comment to me after a colour analysis when wearing their most flattering colours, that people keep asking if they’ve lost weight. It’s because of that face focus that these colours create.
You will notice in all the photos I’ve chosen here today, that in the picture on the left, your attention is taken first by the colour, it drags your eyes away from the face. While the picture on the right, there is a balance and harmony between the colour and the person.
This is the aim when doing a colour analysis, to find those colours that flatter you, so that you are the star, not the colour you’re wearing. Plus those colours will also make you look alive, healthy and glowing.
Click here for some more tips on finding your most flattering colours.